Azant General Office Assistant

Tam Zamanlı Alsancak, Girne Azant Services Ltd.

Established Insurance & Real Estate Agency is looking for an experienced
administrator to work in our busy Alsancak office.
• Warm personality and excellent communication skills.
• Like to work in an exciting, fast paced atmosphere.
• Enthusiastic, self-motivated, and passionate about doing a good job.
• Flexible, adaptable and willing to learn.
• Fluent in Turkish and English
Please note that our Working Hours are Monday to Friday 8.45am till 6pm and Saturday 8.45am till 2 pm.

Cinsiyet Fark Etmez
Yaş 18 - 35 Arası
Sektör/Bölüm/Pozisyon Hizmet / Acente / Asistan
Alınacak Kişi 1
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